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An Actionable Plan For Peace.

One Day at a Time. One Nation at a Time.

An International Filibuster for Peace

196 countries, 3 time zones per day

67 Straight Days + 7 Days for each continent.

Concluding, on September 21 with ALL nations celebrating the

United Nation’s International Day of Peace.


Resolution to Declare An Individual Day of Ceasefire for EVERY Nation


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Proposed Resolution to the United Nations’ General Assembly
The International Filibuster for Peace

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 36/67 of 30 November 1981, by which it declared that the third Tuesday of September, the opening day of the regular sessions of the General Assembly, shall be officially proclaimed and observed as International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples,

Recalling also its other relevant resolutions, including resolution 55/14 of 3 November 2000,

Reaffirming the contribution that the observance and celebration of the International Day of Peace makes in strengthening the ideals of peace and alleviating tensions and causes of conflict,

Considering the unique opportunity it offers for a cessation of violence and conflict throughout the world, and the related importance of achieving the broadest possible awareness and observance of the International Day of Peace among the global community,

Desiring to, for the first time, actually achieve the objectives of the International Day of Peace, September 21st of each year,

1. Decides that, with effect from the seventy third session of the General Assembly, an International Filibuster for Peace shall be observed on commencing on July 8, 2024 and ending on 21 September each year, with this event to be brought to the attention of all people for the celebration and observance of peace;

2. Declares that each country in the United Nations’ General Assembly shall henceforth be designated and observe a specific day of national ceasefire and non-violence, between July 8 and September 20, 2024.;

3. Decides that three countries, in different time zones, will celebrate and broadcast an eight hour celebration of said ceasefire each day from July 8 to September 13 each year.

4. Decides that a committee of the United Nations’ General Assembly will strategically and tactically front loading the individual nation’s day of ceasefire with the nations who are not currently engaging in warfare within their borders,

5. Declares that every September 14 will be a day of ceasefire for every nation in Antarctica, September 15, for every country in North America, September 16th for every nation in Australia, September 17th for every country in Europe, September 18th for every nation in South America, September 19th for every nation in Asia and September 20th for every nation in Africa, with all countries continuing to observe the United Nations’ Resolution 36/67 of 30 November 1981 for a global day of ceasefire on September 21st,

6. Declares that in order to make the International Filibuster for Peace actually come to fruition, the United Nations will seek the aid and support of international NGOs and Corporations to sponsor the International Filibuster for Peace,

7.  Declares it will seek the aid and assistance of international platforms of social media, including Meta, Alphabet, OpenAI, Snapchat as well as traditional media to promote, enhance and become a part of The International Filibuster of Peace from July 8 to September 21 of each year,

8.  Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Filibuster for Peace, through education, public awareness, and participation to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the The International Filibuster for Peace ending with a global ceasefire.

---Seeking Sponsor Nations---